Sunday 4 September 2016




  The schools below are the most Expensive schools in Nigeria which includes the yearly tuition fees and other expenses. The Schools are Standard schools based in the Urban areas in mostly Lagos and few part of
Nigeria. see the school names and their fees below
       1. American International School, Lagos ...............$31,000
       2. Grange Schools, Lagos ....................................$27,000
       3. American International School, Abuja...............$25,500
       4. British International School, Lagos....................$22,000
       5. Lekki - British International School, Lagos........$21,000
       6. Day - Waterman College, Abeokuta.................$19,900
       7. White Plains British School, Abuja...................$18,000
       8. Green springs Schools, Lagos..........................$16,000
       9. Meadow Hall School, Lagos...........................$15,000
      10. Loyola Jesuits College, Abuja.........................$14,000  

The Records of these ranks above are recorder as at July 2016. The Rates of the fees changes time to time i.e increment of fees. it is good to send your wards to the best schools in town. Quality Education matters to the Lives of our children but also remember that all men MUST cut his coat according to his size. You know what that 

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